报告题目:Labour market frictions, endogenous retirement, and wealth
报告人:Emil Kostadinov副教授华威大学(英国)
Emil Kostadinov博士是华威大学副教授,硕士生导师,保加利亚人,毕业于英国埃塞克斯大学,经济学博士,师从Prof.
Melvyn Coles 和 Dr. Carlos Carrillo-Tudela。他为研究生讲授《应用宏观经济学》、《数学与统计》和《宏观经济学》,为本科生讲授《应用经济学》、《数学A》和《中级宏观经济学》。目前,Emil Kostadinov博士是英国高等教育学院会员、华威国际高等教育学院会员和华威Institute for Engagement 会员。
Report content: Life-cycle theory has long recognised that the properties of earnings processes affect saving decisions. Individual earning profiles are labour-market outcomes and the main life-cycle stages - a sequence of employment and retirement - correspond to labour-market decisions. This report demonstrates how such sequence emerges as a result of optimal labour-market behaviour of risk-averse workers facing search frictions; provides a tractable description of wealth dynamics emphasising the link between workers' labour-market productivity, wealth, retirement plans and saving decisions; explores the implications of efficient retirement choice for the saving decisions of heterogeneous households and studies their relevance in accounting for the empirical wealth distribution; and demonstrates the effect of costly education on the wealth distribution among individuals with different earning ability.