1. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2023. An improved cooperation search algorithm for the multi-degree reduction in Ball Bézier surfaces. Soft Computing, 27(16):11687–11714.
2. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2021. The optimal multi-degree reduction of Ball Bézier curves using an improved squirrel search algorithm. Engineering with computers, 39(2): 1143–1166.
3. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2021. Adjusting the energy of Ball surfaces by modifying unfixed control balls. Numerical Algorithms, 89(2): 749-768.
4. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2021. Generation of quasi-developable Q-Bézier strip via PSO-based shape parameters optimization. Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, 45(3): 1118-1129
5. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2021. Adjusting the energy of Ball curves by modifying movable control balls. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40(3),76.
6. Cao Huanxin, Hu Gang, Wei Guo, et al. 2017. Offset approximation of hybrid hyperbolic polynomial curves. Results in Mathematics, 72(3): 1-17.
7. Cao Huanxin, Zheng Hongchan, Hu Gang. 2020. Design of developable surface via CSA-based modification of boundary curves. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems and Manufacturing, 14(7):1-12.
8. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Zhang Suxia, et al. 2017. Developable Bézier-like surfaces with multiple shape parameters and its continuity conditions. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 45: 728-747.
9. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Qin Xinqiang, Wang Xing. 2017. Geometric design and continuity conditions of developable λ-Bézier surfaces. Advances in Engineering Software. 114:235–45.
10. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Qin Xinqiang. 2018. Construction of generalized developable Bézier surfaces with shape parameters. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 41: 7804-7829.
11. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Wang Xing, et al. 2017. G2 continuity conditions for generalized Bézier-like surfaces with multiple shape parameters. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 248, 1-17.
12. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Wu Junli, et al. 2020. Construction of developable surfaces using generalized C-Bézier bases with shape parameters. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39(3),157.
13. Hu Gang, Cao Huanxin, Zhang Suxia. 2016. Approximate multidegree reduction of λ-Bézier curves. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2, 1-12.
E-mail:huanxincao@sina.cn 办公地点:11-431